
Fears, Friends and an unknown future.

I certainly never saw it coming!

One minute all systems were go. Lots of Champions League and Premier League work to look forward to followed by trips to Miami, Monte Carlo and Rome for the tennis.

Then nothing. And worse, nobody has a clue as to when the nothing will become something again in the sporting world.

Just about everyone is suffering in one way or another and it’s frightening. As I write this there’s talk that all the airlines could be facing bankruptcy within months. Freelance sports broadcasters like me are just one small part of the nightmare scenario. Not knowing when we might wake up to normality again merely adds to the heightened anxiety.

You realise how important friends and family are at times like this. With so many colleagues in a similar position I can, almost perversely, take some comfort from the sense of collective despair that has so quickly become apparent. We are all in this together and must do everything in our powers to help one another and show responsibility even if at times I feel as though the whole “virus” thing is ludicrous and doesn’t make any sense.

So let’s be kind, considerate and sensible and hope the Government shows leadership and compassion for those self-employed individuals and freelancers who face the prospect of not earning a single penny for months.

To while away the time I’m going to try and write the book I’ve promised to deliver for 30 years and improve my French and my golf (again). Box sets are the other saviour of course. I can also drive my 15 year old son mad with extra GCSE revision…..though even those exams may soon come under threat.

Of course sport doesn’t really matter in the great scheme of things but my God it matters to me and how we will welcome and appreciate even more the glorious irrelevance of it when the curtain finally opens again!!

In the meantime please take care of yourself and those nearest and dearest to you.